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Before we begin this stage, get into your groups and share the sketches you have created for homework. 

  •  By the end of this stage your group should have a completed sketch of your body attachment and a clear understanding of where the mutation will go, what it will do, and how it will benefit our everyday lives.

Let's Get Started!

See what is similar between your groups sketches. Do any of you have a similar idea or concept? 

Is there a way to represent all of your ideas in one? 

If not, how can your group simplify? 

Discuss amongst your group


Take out a piece of sketch paper and as a group begin to draw diagrams of what you think your final mutation should look like. Make sure it is functional because it will become a part of the human body! you can make multiple sketches expressing different ideas and approaches to the attachment.

Your groups visual representation can be very literal, or extremely metaphorical. 

For example, you can create a button that attaches to your arm, or an extra finger on your hand.

Before your group begins creating your final drawing, Let's do some preparation for the final stage: 

1. Go to

2. Create an account with school google account 

3. Go to the LEARN tab

4. Scroll down and click Learning 3D button and click

5. Watch the 7 tutorial videos on how Learning 3D

6. Once you have watched the tutorials, you can play around with the features on Tinkercad until you feel confident in your abilities. 


Before moving on to the next stage, use your knowledge of the tools on Tinkercad to create a final sketch that you are capable of creating on this platform. Do this individually! You will be able to share with your group during the next stage! 

          You can draft your final design on a piece of            paper, or using Tinkercad. 





Once you are finished, upload a photo of your sketch on Google Classroom. 

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